Dreams and Visions is a church in Baltimore that’s awake to the realities of our world and alive to the possibilities of God.
Together, we’re creating an imaginative space of restoration, where we find the courage to be our full selves.
Dreams and Visions is a church in Baltimore that’s awake to the realities of our world and alive to the possibilities of God.
Together, we’re creating an imaginative space of restoration, where we find the courage to be our full selves.
Dreams and Visions is a spiritual sanctuary in Baltimore where Queer folks and committed supporters find hope and healing through creativity and community.
At Dreams and Visions, we seek to pattern our lives after Jesus, the healer, agitator, and teacher who stands on the side of the oppressed. We are awake to the realities of our world and alive to the possibilities of God.
Worship at Dreams and Visions is intimate, soulful, and filled with silence, song and reflection. All ages and abilities have a place and a role. Worship is Queering and spirit-led, invites truth-telling and gratitude, and moves us toward God’s dream of justice.
— Joel 2:28