A hard working team helped spruce up the new space last week—and, wow, it paid off. With some furniture organized and cleanup done, it made the space feel like it will be a cozy place to gather. With a few more artistic touches, it’s going to really come alive.
Things are going to get crafty this Sunday as we begin decorating.
Like last week, we will gather downstairs to read and reflect on scripture, then head upstairs and play with interior design. Colorful rugs? Twinkly lights? A table just for candles? What do you think? This week, you are the designer! We’ll work together to make the space even more inviting. A reminder to dress cool and comfortable for the day—there’s no AC!
When we’re finished designing, we’ll gather back downstairs to enjoy some local Taharka Bros. ice cream—if you have a favorite flavor you’d like to see there, please send us a Facebook message!
Dreams and Visions is an LGBTQ+ rooted community. We honor your full selves, use your pronouns, and do our best to create trauma-informed spaces. Gender neutral bathrooms are available. While the lower level is accessible by ramp, the new worship space is located up a set of stairs. Please contact Vicar Claire at vicar@stmarksbaltimore.org if you have trouble navigating stairs, and we will work with you to create a plan.