This is the heart of the Christian story. Jesus enters Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey. He eats with his friends, he washes his feet, and then they've betrayed or abandoned him. The story we thought might end in triumph ends in death instead. But as those who've lived lives inspired by Queerness know, death is never the end of the story.
At this service, we'll walk together through the last days of Jesus' life, moving from singing Hosanna and waving our palms, through a holy meal, kneeling to wash each other's feet, and reverencing the cross -- a symbol of the many ways our world puts love to death. We will tell the old, old story, together.
There will be chairs available at each station for those who need them.
Music by the fabulous Dan and Claudia Zanes!
For the safety of all we'll continue to mask. We have begun singing indoors while wearing masks.
Dreams and Visions is an LGBTQ+ rooted community. We honor your full selves, use your pronouns, and do our best to create trauma-informed spaces. Gender neutral bathrooms are available. While the lower level is accessible by ramp, the new worship space is located up a set of stairs. Please contact Vicar Claire at if you have trouble navigating stairs, and we will work with you to create a plan.
Dreams and Visions staff keep an eye on COVID data to ensure that community policies stay up to date. For now, we remain masked at all indoor gatherings. We sing while wearing masks. Each time we gather, we confirm safety preferences with those present to ensure that everyone is comfortable. As always, these precautions are intended to help all who join us feel at home.
An ASL Interpreter will interpret this gathering!