Dreams and Visions is walking in the Baltimore Pride parade! We can’t wait to wave our flags and probably shout things about how much God loves Queer and Trans people.
Anyone’s welcome to join us. First Pride? Been to Pride celebrations all over? Never walked in a parade before? Walked so much you already know what shoes you’re gonna wear? ALLLLL Welcome!
Here are the details:
-We are number 36 in the line up
-That means we will line up at or around Charles Street and 34th.
-Please arrive by 12:30. The parade begins at 1pm
-We'll be marching with "Faith Communities with Pride," which is a whole of of faith orgs who march together. So look for their sign, and then look for our Dreams and Visions sign!
-If you have trouble finding us you can text Emily at 443.585.0864
-Be sure to wear sunscreen, sunglasses, comfy shoes, and bring lots of water!
Saturday June 24th
Baltimore Pride