Celebrate Emily’s seven years with us as founding Pastor to Dreams and Visions, and sent her off to her new call in New Haven.
We’re excited to hold a special celebration to honor our relationship with our partner congregations, Good Trouble Church and St. Mark’s, and come together to celebrate the pastor who’s helped lead us into relationship.
Swing by 1900 St. Paul Street earlier than usual to share cake with our partners, bless the mosaic by Sarah Grace Etherton we created collaboratively, and then share some food, stories, and words of blessing with Pastor Emily. We’ll then head upstairs to the Queer Saints Chapel for our Simple Sunday Service.
At this intimate gathering, we read scripture, sing simple songs, share about our lives and share communion. February’s service will focus on blessing Pastor Emily, and explore one of her favorite theological ideas: realized eschatology.
The service is informal, beautiful, and lasts about an hour.
Come as you are and leave renewed.
1:45 cake with partner congregations
2:00 mosaic blessing
2:30 reception for Pastor Emily
4:00 Simple Sunday Service
Dreams and Visions is an LGBTQ+ rooted community. We honor your full selves, use your pronouns, and do our best to create trauma-informed spaces. Gender neutral bathrooms are available. While the lower level is accessible by ramp, the new worship space is located up a set of stairs. Please contact Vicar Mo at vicar@stmarksbaltimore.org if you have trouble navigating stairs, and we will work with you to create a plan.