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Second Sunday Worship: Racial Injustice in Baltimore

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During the season of Lent, we are holding two services on Lament.

On Sunday March 8, we will lament the pain, hurt, and destruction wrought by racial injustice in the city of Baltimore.

Our speaker will by Analysis, (Min. Ken Brown), a spoken word poet, a rad bookseller and minister, an educator and consultant, a confessed soccer junkie and a lover of justice and human rights! The past Minister for Youth and Young Adult Empowerment, Justice and Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ, and a former staff member of the Center for New Community and Bread for the World, he currently helps raise critical, radical thinking as a bookseller at Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse. Analysis has featured and spotlighted at venues across New England and the Mid-Atlantic. A background in civil rights and economic justice, anti-apartheid and anti-racist organizing, secondary education, justice theory and ministry, and international travel manifests itself in his poetry—as does a love of radical history, family, and people in general. A native of Baltimore, he studied Public Communication at the American University and holds a Master of Divinity degree from Howard University, from which he graduated with highest honors.

Analysis is the host of Red Emma's Mother Earth Poetry Vibe, a quarterly open mic & feature venue of the theme “Peace, Justice, Poetry!”, and a member of Simply Poetic Entertainment. His chap book of poetry, Somewhere Through the Haze, is a short collection of pieces on a variety of justice & human rights topics.

Emily Dickinson famously said, ‘If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.’ Analysis cuts heads. –Pamela Murray Winters, poet
Twitter @analysisthepoet
Instagram: analysisthepoet


At this service we will:

-Sing and pray
-confess what we have done and left undone, individually and as a culture
-speak truths about the systemic injustices that have left our neighbors behind
-listen to the stories and perspectives of Analysis
-engage in a lament practice, in response
-hear a song from Emilia Renee
-gather at the table for communion

RSVP on Facebook

Earlier Event: February 23
Fourth Sunday Worship: Quiet Spaces
Later Event: March 22
Postponed: A Lament for Creation